SCJuv03.2 – Coaching Hurling/Camogie Skills (9 to 12 Year Olds)

This course is open and available.

Objective of the Course

The objective of this course is to ensure coaches working with the older juvenile players (9 to 12 Year olds) understand and appreciate:

  • the skills that need to be coached at the various stages of development of the older juvenile player
  • is conversant with the best coaching methods to coach the various recommended skills of hurling
  • the emphasis that needs to be placed on progression in the skill learning process.

Course Content

The skills presented in the 5 to 8 year olds number 28 skills in total. This course follows on from that point in the career of the hurling or camogie player. In fact if children take up the sport at 9 years then it is important that the coach ensures that the first 28 skills are taught in addition to the skills recommended for the 9 to 12 Year olds. This is important skill is the most important component of fitness in most sports but is hugely important in both hurling and camogie. This course presents, examines, illustrates and describes in detail the various skills the older (Under 10 and Under 12) juvenile players need to learn and develop as they reach to the final years as juvenile players in hurling and prepare enter the teenage development stage.

The number of skills to be coached increases with this age group and many of them are skills in which the skill execution progresses from a stationary to a moving state or from a walking to running motion. Fortunately most of the skills are based on the skills developed in the 5 to 8 year old age group. However many new skills are also introduced to ensure the young players have all the basic skills needed to play and enjoy the games or hurling or camogie

In the game of hurling/camogie the range of skills are many and varied. However as older juveniles the need for good and solid stick skills, ball control skills, and basic lifting, striking and passing skills are complimented with the introduction of hooking and blocking skills with this age group.

Topics of the Course

The following topics are covered in this course:

Introduction to the course

This topic introduces the course and how the coach can start beginners with a hurling/camogie skill learning programme.

Striking Skills (9 and 10 Year Olds)

This topic has 3 skills. We examine the skill of striking the ball on the ground on both open and closed sides over a minimum of 15m, striking the ball from the hand (open side) while moving and the skill of ground striking over and back between partners

Ball Control Skills (9 and 10 Year Olds)

This topic has 3 skills and we examine the skill of the jab lift while the ball is running away from the player, performing a face catch with protection and fast soloing with a sliotar

Use of Hurley Skills (9 and 10 Year Olds)

With another 3 skills to learn, this topic looks at how we can coach the young player to perform the action of the front block and the hook as well as progressing the ground block skill introduced earlier

First Touch Skills (9 and 10 Year Olds)

This topic includes 4 skills and moves the coach on to the important skill of the “first touch” and at this level it includes first touch at ground, knee and overhead level. The ground level skill is introduced as part of a few goalkeeping skills.

Hurley Control Skills (11 and 12 Year Olds)

This topic (3 skills) looks how the player can use the hurley to perform 3 important skills. The first skill is the skill of batting a thrown ball (from 10m) as well as progressing from the blacking and hooking action to actually performing the frontal block and hooking skills against opposition.

Striking Skills (11 and 12 Year Olds)

This topic looks at 5 striking the ball skills from the hand both with the hurley and also introduces the skills of taking frees and of taking a sideline strike or cut.

Sliotar Control Skills (11 and 12 Year Olds)

The 2 skills in this topic are both about progressing 2 earlier introduced skills. The first touch skill is progressed from playing the while being stationary to moving onto the ball. The solo skill is progress to having an opponent tracking the solo run.


Playing the Ball Skills (11 and 12 Year Olds)

The final 3 skills in this topic includes progressing the hand pass to using a sliotar, the overhead striking skill as well as introducing the hurley protection part of the jab lift skill

In total there are 25 individual skills that children need to develop by the time they advance to the U13 or U14 team.

Course fee

Te fee for this course is €34.95

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Fee for SCJuv03.2 – Coaching Hurling/Camogie Skills (9 to 12 Year Olds): $39.95
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