This final module of the course presents the best approach to planning and delivering the most suitable training sessions or physical fitness lessons for the young child athlete at under 6 and under 8 stages of development. This module presents a comprehensive outline of the training appropriate to the young athletes in these age groups.
Topic 1 – Development Milestones in Physical Development up to 5 years – examines the growth milestones from infancy to 5 years of age. It presents important background knowledge on what children need and their capacity to learn.
Topic 2 – Coaching the U6 and U8 Athlete – examines the physical capacity ability of the U6 and U8 athletes. It presents the emphasis that needs to be placed on skill and fitness for these age-groups, the coaching approach to be taken and the activities best suited for the players.
Topic 3 – The Training Session for Under 6 and Under 8 Athletes – examines how to organise a training session to optimise the development of the U6 and the U8 athlete.
Topic 4 – Theory and Practice of Warm-up for the Young Child Athlete – examines the importance of and the most appropriate type of warm-up to suit these young athletes. These ideas will be invaluable in physical education or in a sporting context.
Topic 5 – Theory and Practice of Cool-down for the Young Child Athlete – examines the importance of and the most appropriate type of cool-down to suit these young athletes.
Topic 6 – Functional Exercises for Warm-up and Cool-down – examines a small group of key functional movement activities that are vital to the child’s development and participation in sport or in physical education. It presents a series of exercises that can be included in both warm-up and cool-down to enhance the physical and overall development of the child.
Topic 7 – Fundamental Motor Skills for Young Athletes – examines a wide range of motor skill exercises that can also be included in the warm-up and cool-down to ensure good exposure to as wide a range of quality fundamental motor skills as possible during these important years of development at U6 and at U8.
Topic 8 – Essential Movement Pattern Experience for Young Athletes – examines what the young children of these age groups should experience as part of physical activity and sport’s training.
Topic 9 – Training Concepts for Essential Movement Patterns Development – presents a range of exercises, drills and activities appropriate to ensure that Essential Pattern Experience is developed in the young athletes.
Topic 10 – Training Concepts for Sports Related Motor Skills Development – present a range of exercises to ensure that young athlete have the movement skills required to enjoy the sport.
Topic 11 – Physical Capacity Training for Young Athletes – examines the key elements of physical fitness training for both U6 and U8 athletes. The 5 components of fitness are discussed in detail and emphasis is placed on skill development (covered extensively in module 2), flexibility and speed development (these will be covered in greater detail in module 3).
Topic 12 – Flexibility Development for the Young Athletes – presents a range of flexibility and mobility exercises, drills and activities that are important for athletes at this age while being careful not to have static stretching as part of the programme at this stage of the child’s development.
Topic 13 – Speed Development for the Young Athletes – examines the important window of speed that exists for young athletes in these age groups and the importance of understanding the specific type of speed training that is appropriate.
Topic 14 – Speed Training Activities – presents a wide range of exercises, drills and activities to promote speed and agility that are appropriate to young athletes in these age groups.