How to Enroll
We encourage all prospective course participants to study the course prospectus initially and to be sure that they are selecting the course that will assist them best in the their coaching, teaching or managing.
Quick Access: Pay by Credit Card
Click on the enrol/pay tab and then select the course or module you wish to study and click on it. This will indicate your course choice. You are then directed to give credit card details to the merchant bank we use.
We will not have access to your credit card details as this interaction takes place between you and the bank. They will later transfer the fees to the college account automatically.
When we receive details from the bank we email you your Student ID, College Password and access instructions directly to the email address you use in purchasing the course/module.
Secondary Access Method: Pay by cheque, Postal order or bank Draft
Post off your completed application form with the correct amount by cheque, bank draft or postal order to the address below. As soon as we received your fee in the post we will email out your course access information as well as student ID and College password.
Post to:
Premier Sports College,
Greenhills Business Park,
Greenhills Road.
Dublin 24.