FD1 – International Diploma in Functional Movement, Analysis and Development

The Course that all Sports Coaches need!

This course presents an unbelievable insight into modern coaching methods. It gives the coach a comprehensive understanding, appreciation and knowledge of the intricacies of athlete/player function in relation to skill execution, movement and performance.

The expert knowledge you will obtain when undertaking this course, when combined with your knowledge of your own sport or with your coaching certificate or license, will lead you to expert coaching status, and ensure you have a distinct development and competitive advantage for the rest of your coaching career.

Course Overview

This course will develop an overall understanding of an individual athlete’s or player’s development in terms of function, training and performance enhancement. The overall aim is to develop the understanding, appreciation and ability of the sports coach or teacher to evaluate functional efficiency or inefficiency and how to use a simple yet effective evaluation or screening system that promotes information on an individual’s movement patterns that are key to normal and improved function. This function impacts on sports performance and in many ways provides the coach and the athlete/player the means by which performance can be improved over many or all of the fitness components. By screening these patterns, the coach will be enabled to identify functional limitations and asymmetries. These are issues that can reduce the effects of functional training and physical conditioning and distort body awareness (Gray, 2010).

The overall objective of the course is to add to one’s coaching skills and methods particularly in the general approach to physical fitness development for performance in sport. Through this course, coaches will be in a better place to design training and conditioning programmes more relevant to the individuals under their care and for the specific sport.

The course is all-embracing and will cover  important aspects such as the analysis of individual athletes/players, functional screening, identification of restriction or limitations in movement efficiency and how to  design and prescribe prescriptive corrective programmes.

In summary, participants who undertake this course will become additionally qualified in functional screening and functional development as fitness and skills coaches for any sport or for physical education teaching. This will make each participant bring a greater professional awareness and competence to the work in coaching or teaching.

Benefits of Functional Screening and Functional Development / Reasons a coach should study this course.

When an athlete or a player is poor at sprinting, jumping or even turning, the coach may just give him more appropriate training. This should help him or her is some small way. However this will not solve the underlying problem. By the use of functional screening, the coach can actually identify the muscle patterns and inter-muscular activity that is causing the key issues that contribute to the athlete’s situation.

For example, if an athlete’s knee tend to turn outwards or inwards, there will be a problem with stability in movement and this will be caused by weakness in the outer hip area. By stretching the appropriate tight muscles, strengthening the weak muscles and re-learning the movement pattern, that athlete can become stable and find landing in the sprint action, in turning or even in kicking a ball will improve gradually.

The coach must learn to identify the movement limitations or restrictions of each athlete and then learn to prescribe short session of “home work” to correct the movement inefficiencies.

Who should enrol?

This course is suitable for Coaches, Trainers, Managers, Teachers, PE Teachers, Personal Trainers and Health Fitness Professional .

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • display a specialised knowledge of how athletes/player move, function and perform sport
  • exhibit a range of practical understanding and skills related to athlete/player needs analysis
  • demonstrate competencies of understanding and awareness of the role of analysing any individual athlete/player
  • become compenent at carrying simple functional screens to evaluate the strength and weakness of any sports performer
  • formulate exercise and training programmes that are based on best practice and sound scientific principles to improve movement patterns and sports perfromance
  • identify the individual specific  needs of athlete, player or fitness clients and to develop the skill and competence to prescribe corrective programmes
  • display resourcefulness in structuring and implementing individual corrective programmes

Course Modules

  • Module 1 – The Overhead Deep Squat – Administration and Practice                                         €89.95
  • Module 2 – Additional Functional Screens – – Understanding and Administration                  €89.95
  • Module 3 – Basic Anatomy and Physiology for the Coach                                                              €89.95
  • Module 4 – Identification and Analysis of Movement Inefficiencies                                            €89.95
  • Module 5 – Physique, Posture and Function in Sports Performance                                           €89.95
  • Module 6 – Corrective Programme Design and Prescription                                                          €89.95
  • Module 7 – Athlete/Player Performance Analysis                                                                           €89.95
  • Module 8 – Written Assessment Module                                                                                             €49.95

Module Summaries

  • Module 1 – The Overhead Deep Squat – Administration and Practice

This module introduces the concept of functional screening and then focuses on the Overhead Deep Squat Screening process ensuring participants are able to set-up, understand and administer the screen while also understanding motor control efficiency and learning to rate movement performance.

Why is Module 1 important: This module demonstrates to participants how to conduct and evaluate performances in the overhead deep squat screen.

  • Module 2 – Additional Functional Screens – – Understanding and Administration

While the Overhead Deep Squat screen is very important, it is equally important that coaches understand a series of screens that can help identify and or confirm functional issues with athletes and players. This module introduces course participants to further key screens.

Why is Module 2 important: This shows coaches and managers how to administer the follow-up screens to evaluate athlete’s and player’s movement and function.





  • Module 3 – Basic Anatomy and Physiology for the Coach

This interesting module looks at anatomy and physiology in a very simple and straight forward way. It looks at 20 or so important muscles of the body, their location, function and importance in sports training or performance as well as illustrating how they can be strengthened or stretched depending on the needs of the individual athlete or player.

Why is Module 3 important: This is a very important module because it examines about 20 of the major muscles involved in movement and in sport. It lists their function, how to stretch them if they are tight and how to strengthen them if they are weak,


  • Module 4 – Identification and Analysis of Movement Inefficiencies  

This important modules examines compensations that athletes, players, students or clients develop over time and which inevitably lead to poor function, mobility and performance in sport.

Why is Module 4 important: In this module the participant learns to interpret the compensation of the athletes and players.

  • Module 5 – Physique, Posture and Function in Sports Performance

This module examines physique in sport, assessing posture, common postural issues while also introducing Janda’s upper and lower crosses syndromes before finally looking at posture and performance in sport.

Why is Module 2 important: This helps coaches and team manager to the basic issues of physique and posture and their effect on sports performance.

  • Module 6 – Corrective Programme Design and Prescription      

This module sets out corrective programmmes for a wide range of identified problems to ensure that the course participant is conversant with and capable of designing corrective programmes for his or her athletes, players, students of clients.

Why is Module 7 important: This module demonstrates to course participants how to design the corrective programmes for individual athletes and players,

  • Module 7 – Athlete/Player Performance Analysis      

Examines the components of fitness, functional development and training, athlete/player needs analysis as well as studying the Performance Pyramid and how coaches or teachers can use it to evaluate athletes, players, students or clients in terms of movement, fitness and skill.

Why is Module 1 important: Module 1 helps coaches and team managers to evaluate the needs of the player in terms of movement, fitness and skill in determining their performance profile. Functional screening will eventually let them know the player can alter his or her performance profile.

  • Module 8 – Written Assessment Module    

This is a written assessment module. Participants will be offered a choice of topics to discuss as well as being asked to assess and write reports on unknown athletes from video clips.

Course Information

This course is delivered in modular format. As soon as you gain entry to Module 1 of the course all the module content is accessible. Each module will contain a series of topics. We encourage participants to study them in the order presented. Course Assessment must be attempted before the final 5 days of enrolment.

Module Assessment for the course is by MCQ. This MCQ contains 20 questions. Each question will have 4 possible answers. Some questions will have more than one correct answer.

Practical work is also prescribed during some of the modules to enable learners to develop their screening, identification and precription skills

MCQS – Advice for Participants

A MCQ can only be attempted ONCE. It is your responsibility to ensure that mobile phones are turned-off and you should seek to be alone for the duration of the MCQ. The MCQ for this course can take up to 45 minutes.

In the case of failing an MCQ arrangements will be made to allow a second attempt. As soon as you have submitted the Module MCQ, you are asked to email admin@premiercollege.com to let us know that you have completed the module and this also let’s us know to enrol you for the next module.

Course Enrolment Details

Each participant is enrolled for 60 days in one module at a time and are given this period in which to complete the module and the module assessment. If one has problems with completing the course in the time allowed, they are asked to mail admin@premiersportscollege.com for an extension. The request must arrive before the 5th last day of enrolment.

However some participants may complete an module much sooner and can progress when they are ready.

Purchasing this module

Please ensure that you click on the box at the top right-hand corner of the home page to indicate that you are in Ireland/Europe (€), Great Britain (£) or in the USA ($). This is the way to ensure you pay with your chosen currency.

To purchase the course in full now click on the “Add to Basket” button below and follow the PayPal instructions. To purchase Module 1, go to Module 1 and at the end of the page click on “add to basket” and purchase the module.

Pay and Enrol

Fee for FD1 – International Diploma in Functional Movement, Analysis and Development: $695.00