Coaching for Juveniles

Feb 8th in Ballymacarbery – 10 miles south of Clonmel Premier Sports College are holding a special coaching course for coaches, parents and teachers who coach or work with 6 to 12 year olds. The course examines the overall principles and practice of coaching Under 6, Under 8, under 10 and Under 12 teams players in sport. The two main workshops will concentrate on coaching and progression of the skills of hurling/camogie to children – alternatnative general skills workshops are on offer to coaches from other sports. The fee is €50 per person and can be paid on the day but it is expected that intending participants will register online by emailing to register. Places are limited and the earlier one registers the better,

TIME TABLE – (time table may change around depending on numbers attending).

10.00 Lecture – THE PRINCIPLES OF COACHING CHILDREN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Examines the development background of Under 6 and Under 8 player. It looks at how they learn skills and movement patterns and ensures that coaches understand what best helps them develop as players.

10.45 Workshop 1 – HURLING SKILLS U6 & U8 This workshop highlights how skills are coached to Under 6 and Under 8 players using hurling skills as the basis of the skill learning process. It highlights 6 to 10 hurling skills and shows how the skill learning progression is developed. ALTERNATIVE AVAILABLE ON GENERAL SKILL COACHING

12.00 Workshop 2 – DEVELOPING FUNDAMENTAL MOTOR SKILLS This workshop demonstrates how best to develop Fundamental Motor Skills for the athletes and players in one’s care. It looks at the theory and practice of FMS coaching and learning.

12.45 Lecture – THE PRINCIPELS OF COACHING CHILDREN IN LATE CHILDHOOD Examines the background and development of U10 & U12 Children as sports people. It ensures coaches know what children of this age group are capable of learning and how hard they can be pushed as well as knowing the limitations in training they bring to training.

13,30 Break

14.00 Workshop – HURLING SKILLS U10 & U12 This workshop highlights how skills are coached to Under 10 and Under 12 using hurling skills as the basis of the skill learning process. It highlights 6 to 10 hurling skills and shows how the skill learning progression is developed. Alternastive available to non-hurling coaches.

15.00 Lecture – SKILLS DEVELOPMENT This lecture examines the various types of skills needed by children as they grow from 6 to 12 years of age and how these skills are necessary for the development of sports skills. Practical Work will be combined with and in this talk

15.30 Workshop – FUNCTIONAL SKILLS Examines the importance of functional development for young players and include exercises to develop their ability to improve how their body functions correctly and more efficiently for sport

16.00 – Q&A and Presentation of Certificates

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